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Comment: Fixed typos


where deployment and username are specific to the end-user and || is concatentationconcatenation.

The installed application can then exchange the PIN for an access and refresh token by presenting its client_id and client_secret along with the PIN.


Below is a table of accepted query parameters. The mandatory optional fields are underlined.

client_idThe applications client id obtained from the API Control Panel.Indicates what API application is making the request. It is a unique string allocated to your application, which can be used across multiple deployments. For example:
response_typecodeThis value must be code for installed applications.
scopeThe permissions your application requests.A scope is used to convey what permissions your application requires when requesting permission from the end-user. Current available scopes are:
  • read(all) - Read only access to all data the user owns or has access to including personal information, and
  • write(all) - Read and write access to all data the user owns or has access to including personal information.
  • read({resource}) - Read only access to data related to the {resource} object.
  • write({resource}) - Read and write access to data related to the {resource} object.

Scope resources can be any of our endpoints. For example, companies, contacts or issues. The scope can be concatenated and delimited by a comma. For example:

  • read(all),write(companies,contacts) - read all information and write to only companies and contacts.
  • write(contacts,issues) - Read and write access to contact and issue data.


When accessing the token endpoint it is recommended you authenticate yourself using HTTP Basic Authentication using the client_id and client_secret as username and password. The AffinityLive OAuth 2.0 does support sending the client_id and client_secret as query paramaters parameters as a last option.

The table below contains the token paramatersparameters.

grant_typeauthorization_codeThis is required when requesting access using an authorization grant. Note. You can send refresh_token to indicate that you are using a refresh token. In this situation, you should also send the refresh_token.
codeThe code obtained during the authorization request.This code was obtained during the authorization request and is used to obtain an access token.
redirect_uriThe redirect uri passed in the authorization request.This must be the same as the uri passed during the authorization, failure to do so will result in an invalid_grant error.


Once the application has obtained an access token, it can use it to access AffinityLive's Resource endpoints by including it in either a _bearer_token query parameter or as a (prefered preferred method) HTTP Authorization: Bearer header.


Code Block

Sample using the prefered preferred Authorization header method:

