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Resource URL

Creates a new job.

Code Block
POST /jobs


Table of allowed parameters. Underlined fields are required.

manager_idunsigned intThe id of the staff member to be the manager of the job. Please note, this must point to a valid staff.
type_idunsigned intThe ID of the job's type. Please note, this must point to a valid type.
status_idunsigned intThe ID of the job's status. Please note, this must point to a valid job type.
engagement_idunsigned intThe id of the company or site the job is against.
engagement_tablestringCompany or site.
date_startedunsigned intUnix timestamp for when this job was started.
date_dueunsigned intUnix timestamp for when this job was started.
contract_idunsigned intID of a contract to link to the job. Please note, this MUST point to a valid contract.
rate_chargednumbere.g, 2.5. Please note, if rate_id is -1, this will always be zero.
affiliation_idunsigned intID of an affiliation. Please note, this MUST point to a valid affiliation.
_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.

Handling the response

Upon successful creation, you will receive the job object. See get job for more details.