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Get Activity

Resource URL

Code Block
GET /activities/:id


Table of allowed parameters.

_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.

Handling the response

Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default.

idunsignedActivity's unique identifier. This can be used to request other endpoints.
parentstringParent activity endpoints. For example, /activities/13
parent_idunsignedParent activity identifier. For example, 13.
threadstringThread activity endpoint. For example, /activities/13.
thread_idunsignedThread activity identifier. For example, 13
againststringThe object endpoint the activity is against. For example, /company/14
against_typestringThe object the activity is against. For example, company or staff.
against_idunsignedUnique identifier for the object the activity is against.
ownerstringAn endpoint representing the owner. For example, /staff/15 or /affiliation/14
owner_typestringThe type of owner. For example, staff or affiliation.
owner_idunsignedThe owner's id. For example, 15 or 14.
mediumstringmeeting, note, email, etc
bodystringThe main content of the activity.
visibilitystringprivate, all, confidential
detailsstringFor meetings this is the location, for postals this is the address and for calls this is the number.
message_idstringThe custom message id
date_createdunix ts
date_startedunix ts
date_endedunix ts
date_dueunix ts
date_modifiedunix ts
staffunsigned or object
priorityunsigned or object
classunsigned or objectActivity's class.
taskunsigned or objectThe task the activity is against if any.
billableunsignedBillable time in seconds
nonbillableunsignedNon-billable time in seconds
tagArray of objectsTags of the activity

Fields that can be object indicate the field can be requested as a resource. For example.

Code Block
GET /activities.json?_fields=staff

would return the activity's staff id. Where as,

Code Block
GET /activities.json?_fields=staff(email)

would return the staff object, including any optional fields or objects within the parenthesis. In the above examples case, it would return the staff objects default values and optional email value.

Sample Response

Code Block
GET /activities/11.json?_fields=staff(email)
Code Block
   "response" : {
         "subject" : "Give a heads up for the fax that I was about to se",
         "staff" : {
            "email" : "",
            "firstname" : "Geoff",
            "id" : "1000",
            "surname" : "McQueen"
         "id" : "11"
   "meta" : {
      "status" : "ok",
      "message" : "Everything executed as expected."