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Companies are the entries in AffinityLive where you note the companies whom you provide services to. These can range from partners and vendors to your actual customers, and can even include you! These Client entries also act as the central repository for all information related to that group, including correspondence, project and sales updates, and contact information for their employees.


POSTcompaniesCreates a new company resource.
PUTcompanies/:idUpdate a company resource identified by company_id.
DELETEcompanies/:idDelete a company resource identified by company_id.
GETcompaniesReturns an array of 10 companies.
GETcompanies/countReturns the total count of companies under your deployment.
GETcompanies/recentReturns the 10 most recent (last created) companies.
GETcompanies/newestReturns the 10 newest companies (last modified).
GETcompanies/:idReturns a company resource for a given company_id.
GETcompanies/:id/statusReturns a companies status for a given company_id.
GETcompanies/:company_id/contactReturns the main contact for a company identified by company_id.
GETcompanies/:company_id/contact/statusReturns the main contacts status for a company identified by company_id.
GETcompanies/:id/contactsReturns an array of 10 contacts for company identified by company_id.
GETcompanies/:id/managersReturns an array of staff member managers for a given company.
POSTcompanies/:id/managers/addCreates a manager relationship with the company and returns the list of managers for the company.
DELETEcompanies/:id/managers/deleteRemoves a manager relationship from the company and returns the list of managers for the company.
GETcompanies/:id/contacts/countReturns the total count of contacts for company identified by company_id.
GETcompanies/:id/segmentationsReturns an array of company segmentations/profile fields.
GET/companies/:id/profiles/valuesReturns an array of profile values for the company
PUT/companies/:id/profiles/values/:profile_value_idUpdate an existing profile value for the company
GET/companies/:id/progressionsReturns an array of available progressions for the company.
[PUT|POST]/companies/:id/progressions/:progression_id/autoRuns a status update for the given progression on the given company.
GET/companies/profiles/fieldsReturns an array of profile fields for company.
POST/companies/:company_id/profiles/fields/:profile_field_idCreates a profile value for a company.
GET/companies/:company_id/addressesReturns a list of address for a company
GET/companies/:company_id/collectionsReturns a list of resource collections for the given company.
POST/companies/:company_id/collections/:collection_id/resourcesUploads resource (attachment) to the given collection.
POST/companies/:company_id/addressesCreates a new address for given company



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