PUT /activities/:id
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

PUT /activities/:id

Update an Activity

Resource URL 

PUT /activities/:id
ANY /activities/:id?_method=put


Table of allowed paramaters.

subjectstringActivity's subject that will appear in the title of the activity. This is only possible if the user executing the request is the owner of the activity.
bodystringThe content of the activity. This is only possible if the user executing the request is the owner of the activity.
mediumstringType of activity to create. This can be: note, meeting, report, email, call, postal, fax, sms, twitter or event_log.
visibilitystringThis can be: all, confidential or private. This is only possible if the user executing the request has an interaction with the activity.
detailsstringAdditional details assigned to an activity.
message_idstringCustom message id given to the activity.
date_startedunix tsSeconds since UTC
date_dueunix tsSeconds since UTC
date_endedunix tsSeconds since UTC
_fieldsstringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response, if successful.

Handling the response

Please see the GET endpoint for handling the response.