- style
List Activities
Returns an array of activity objects.
GET /activities
Returns an array of activity objects order by date created.
GET /activities/recent
Table of allowed parameters.
_page | unsigned int | The page of the list to display. For example, 5 will display the fifth page. Each page contains 10 resources. |
_limit | unsigned int | The maximum number of resources to return. Default is 10 and maximum is 50. |
_offset | unsigned int | The position in the list of resources to return from. For example, if you had 20 resources and requested an offset of 10. Resources 10 to 19 would be returned. Offset cannot be used in conjunction with _page . |
_fields | partial string | Allows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response. |
_filters | partial_string |
Filtering Activities
You can filter the returned list using the _filters
Name | Example | Description |
owner_type | ||
type | ||
invitation | ||
read | read(no) or read(0) or read(n) | |
parent_id | ||
thread_id | ||
staff_id | ||
priority_id | ||
class_id | ||
task_id | ||
message_id | ||
owner_id | ||
visibility | ||
medium | ||
against_type | against_type(company,job) | Only return activities against the given type |
against_id | against_id(12,12) | Only return activities against object with given ids. |
order_by_asc | order_by_asc(date_ended) | date_started, date_created, date_ended, date_logged, date_modified and id NEW billable, nonbillable |
order_by_desc | Same as order_by_asc but opposite direction | |
date_created_before | ||
date_created_after | ||
date_started_before | ||
date_started_after | ||
date_logged_before | ||
date_logged_after | ||
date_ended_before | ||
date_ended_after | ||
date_modified_after | ||
date_modified_before | ||
max_id | ||
min_id | ||
NEW <field_name>_greater_than(<value>), <field_name>_less_than(<value>), <field_name>_greater_than_or_equal(<value>), <field_name>_less_than_or_equal(<value>) | _filters=id_greater_than(5) | Available fields: id |
Using the _not
 suffix (e.g, id_not
) on standard in filters will returns results not in.
Handling the response
Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields
 parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default.
id | unsigned | Activity's unique identifier. This can be used to request other endpoints. |
subject | string | |
parent | string | Parent activity endpoints. For example, /activities/13 |
parent_id | unsigned | Parent activity identifier. For example, 13. |
thread | string | Thread activity endpoint. For example, /activities/13. |
thread_id | unsigned | Thread activity identifier. For example, 13 |
against | string | The object endpoint the activity is against. For example, /company/14 |
against_type | string | The object the activity is against. For example, company or staff. |
against_id | unsigned | Unique identifier for the object the activity is against. |
owner | string | An endpoint representing the owner. For example, /staff/15 or /affiliation/14 |
owner_type | string | The type of owner. For example, staff or affiliation. |
owner_id | unsigned | The owner's id. For example, 15 or 14. |
medium | string | meeting, note, email, etc |
body | string | The main content of the activity. |
visibility | string | private, all, confidential |
details | string | |
message_id | string | The custom message id |
date_created | unix ts | |
date_started | unix ts | |
date_ended | unix ts | |
date_due | unix ts | |
date_modified | unix ts | |
staff | unsigned or object | |
priority | unsigned or object | |
rate | unsigned or object | |
rate_charged | unsigned float | The rate charged for the activity. If the rate has been changed for a particular activity, this will show the changed rate. |
class | unsigned or object | Activity's class. |
task | unsigned or object | The task the activity is against if any. |
interacts | N/A | Adds an "interacts" array to each activity response. Please see Handling Interacts below for more information. |
Fields that can be object indicate the field can be requested as a resource. For example.
GET /activities.json?_fields=staff
would return the activity's staff id. Where as,
GET /activities.json?_fields=staff(email)
would return the staff object, including any optional fields or objects within the parenthesis. In the above examples case, it would return the staff objects default values and optional email value.
Sample Response
GET /activities.json?_fields=staff(email)&_limit=3
{ "response" : [ { "subject" : "Give a heads up for the fax that I was about to se", "staff" : { "email" : "geoff.mcqueen@sample.com", "firstname" : "Geoff", "id" : "1000", "surname" : "McQueen" }, "id" : "11" }, { "subject" : "Give a heads up for the fax that I was about to se", "staff" : { "email" : "geoff.mcqueen@sample.com", "firstname" : "Geoff", "id" : "1000", "surname" : "McQueen" }, "id" : "12" }, { "subject" : "Wrote a letter outlining the use of this e-busines", "staff" : { "email" : "geoff.mcqueen@sample.com", "firstname" : "Geoff", "id" : "1000", "surname" : "McQueen" }, "id" : "45" } ], "meta" : { "status" : "ok", "message" : "Everything executed as expected." } }
Handling Interacts
An interact ("interaction") is a sender or recipient of an activity, which can be a staff or contact object (means you can pass in staff and contact optional fields in the _fields
parameter). For a single activity, please see the List Activity Interacts Endpoint. Getting the interacts on an activity has never been easier. To include the interactions of all activities, please include the "interact" _fields option. For example,
GET /activities.json?_fields=interacts
This will attach an interact object to each activity in your response. Each interact has an owner_id
and owner_type
("staff" or "contact"). The response will now also contain "staff" and "contacts". You can use the owner id and type to access the interact's owner details.
Using _fields=interacts
Using the "interacts" fields option alters the structure of the API response. Instead of an Array, it will return a Hash containing the original response under "activities", an array of staff under "staff" and contacts under "contacts".Â
The interacts fields option also introduces a new filter for interact types.Â
{ "meta":{ "more_info":"https://affinitylive.jira.com/wiki/display/APIS/Status+Codes#ok", "status":"ok", "message":"Everything executed as expected." }, "response":{ "contacts":[ { "firstname":"Kurt", "id":"22611", "surname":"Wagner", "email":"serge@sample.com", "mobile":"" } ], "staff":[ { "surname":"Higgins", "email":"christine.higgins@sample.com", "firstname":"Christine", "id":"110" }, { "firstname":"Hugh", "id":"122", "surname":"Cowling", "email":"hugh.cowling@sample.com" }, { "email":"geoff.mcqueen@sample.com", "surname":"McQueen", "id":"1000", "firstname":"Geoff" }, { "id":"1017", "firstname":"Alison", "email":"alison.russell@sample.com", "surname":"Russell" } ], "activities":[ { "id":"498038", "subject":"Duplicated jobs", "interacts":[ { "owner_id":"110", "id":"1", "date_actioned":"1340044186", "owner_type":"staff", "type":"from" } ] }, { "interacts":[ { "owner_type":"staff", "date_actioned":"1340043702", "id":"2", "owner_id":"110", "type":"from" } ], "subject":"Can't delete project - General", "id":"498035" }, { "subject":"Larry Jones, will you share why?", "id":"498034", "interacts":[ { "type":"from", "owner_id":"107", "id":"3", "date_actioned":"1340042682", "owner_type":"staff" } ] }, { "subject":"New Issue Created - Basecamp import problem", "id":"498032", "interacts":[ { "type":"from", "date_actioned":"1340042539", "owner_type":"staff", "owner_id":"107", "id":"4" } ] }, { "subject":"Welcome on board!", "id":"498031", "interacts":[ { "type":"from", "owner_id":"1017", "id":"5", "date_actioned":"1340042499", "owner_type":"staff" } ] }, { "subject":"Hiccup/bug on Staging", "id":"498030", "interacts":[ { "type":"from", "id":"6", "owner_id":"1000", "owner_type":"staff", "date_actioned":"1340042471" } ] }, { "id":"498029", "subject":"Hiccup/bug on Staging", "interacts":[ { "type":"from", "date_actioned":"1340040845", "owner_type":"contact", "owner_id":"22611", "id":"7" } ] }, { "interacts":[ { "date_actioned":"1340041227", "owner_type":"staff", "owner_id":"1000", "id":"8", "type":"from" } ], "subject":"Your Online Pay Stub Is Available", "id":"498028" }, { "subject":"AffinityLive Quick Tip #3 - Predict the future with Tasks & Scheduling", "id":"498027", "interacts":[ { "date_actioned":"1340042403", "owner_type":"staff", "owner_id":"122", "id":"9", "type":"from" } ] }, { "id":"498026", "subject":"AffinityLive Quick Tip #1 ", "interacts":[ { "owner_id":"122", "id":"10", "date_actioned":"1340042402", "owner_type":"staff", "type":"from" } ] } ] } }