Token Info
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

Token Info

Resource URL

Returns the information for a specified token.

GET /tokeninfo


Table of allowed parameters.

_bearer_tokenStringSpecifies the token for which you would like the info in the response.

Handling the response

Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. Underlined values are default.

emailStringEmail of user assigned to the token
expiry_dateUnix TimestampAn expiry date timestamp assigned to the token
firstnameStringFirst name of user assigned to the token
surnameStringLast name of user assigned to the token



Deployment prefix assigned to the token

localeArray of objectsLocale currency symbol and timezone assigned to the token
staff_idUnsigned IntThe id of the staff the token belongs to.

Sample Response

GET /tokeninfo?_bearer_token=muFs1VSJ_IMfy6SwPOgOK5.eR6EE8o8z5FC2XisZzzfs86X-16l5DfGiKSUqB2--
	"response" : {
		"locale" : {
	"meta":{"message":"Everything executed as expected.","status":"ok","more_info":"https://affinitylive.jira.com/wiki/display/APIS/Status+Codes#ok"}