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Comment: Updated the documentation to reflect latest changes



The following endpoint


Resource URL

Create a new affiliation object.can be used to update an existing affiliation. An affiliation is a link between a contact and company. You cannot use this endpoint to update the contact or company the affiliation relates to, in such circumstances you should delete the existing affiliation and create a new one. See delete affiliation and create affiliation for more information on these two steps.

Resource URL

Code Block
PUT /affiliations/:id
ANY /affiliations/:id?_method=PUT


Table of allowed parameters.

Must be potential, interested, active or inactive, otherwise you will get an invalid_request.
statusunsigned intThis must point to a valid affiliation status id, otherwise you will get an invalid_request
standingstringcountry_idunsigned intMust point to a valid country
physical_address_idunsigned intPhysical address. Must point to a valid address
postal_address_idunsigned intPostal address. Must point to a valid address.
phonestringThe contact's phone number in relation to the affiliated company. e.,g this may be their work number.
faxstringThe contact's fax in relation to the affiliation company. e.g, this may be their work fax number.
emailstringMust be a valid email address
positionstringe.g, CEO, software engineer or volunteer fire fighter.
status_idunsigned intThe affiliations status id. Must point to a valid affiliation status
standingstringe.g, active, inactive
communicationstringMust be yes or no.
invoice_methodstringe.g, email, fax or postal

Handling the response

Returns the created milestoneupdated affiliation. Please see get contactaffiliation for details regarding handling of the response.