POST affiliations
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

POST affiliations

You can use this endpoint to create a new affiliation object. An affiliation object links an existing contact to an existing company. i.e, You may have a contact that belongs to two or more companies. e.g, an engineer at Affinitylive may also be a volunteer at the local fire brigade. You would use this endpoint to then link the existing engineer at Affinitylive to the local fire brigade. To create a new contact and affiliation at the same time, please see the create contact endpoint. The create contact endpoint should be used when you do not have an existing contact.

Resource URL

POST /affiliations


Table of allowed parameters. Underlined parameters are required.

company_idunsigned intMust point to a valid company. This is the company new affiliated contact will point.
contact_idunsigned intMust point to a valid contact. If the contact doesn't have a default affiliation, it will automatically set it to the newly created affiliation.
country_idunsigned intMust point to a valid country
physical_address_idunsigned intPhysical address. Must point to a valid address
postal_address_idunsigned intPostal address. Must point to a valid address.
phonestringThe contact's phone number in relation to the affiliated company. e.,g this may be their work number.
faxstringThe contact's fax in relation to the affiliation company. e.g, this may be their work fax number.
emailstringMust be a valid email address
positionstringe.g, CEO, software engineer or volunteer fire fighter.
status_idunsigned intThe affiliations status id. Must point to a valid affiliation status
standingstringe.g, active, inactive
communicationstringMust be yes or no.
invoice_methodstringe.g, email, fax or postal


Handling the response

Returns the created affiliation. Please see get affiliation for details regarding handling of the response.