Status Codes
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

Status Codes

Interpreting API response status codes

Accelo's API does not want to overcomplicate things with dozens of status codes. If you are ever confused by a status code, have a read of the meta data's message field or X-Status-Reason header value of the response. If you do not see a message value in the response meta object, ensure you are not suppressing it with _suppress_message=yes.


Invalid Client Authentication. e.g., unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method.

Common Causes:

  • No client credentials were provided.
  • The client was not found in the system
  • An incorrect client secret was provided
  • The IP is restricted in the application's configuration of the deployment
  • The domain is restricted in the application's configuration of the deployment
  • The user is locked out due to the times of failed attempts exceed the max limit
  • No token provided when accessing resource
  • Token provided is invalid
  • The token's user is invalid
invalid_grant400The provided authorization grant is invalid.

Common Causes:

  • Provided grant or refresh token is invalid, expired or revoked.
  • Provided grant or refresh token does not match the URI used in the authorization request or was issued to another client.
ok200Everything executed as expected.
duplicate400Your write actions would cause a duplicate unique identifier. The response message should identify the offending field. If it does not, please report it to us.

Common Causes:

  • Staff: staff with that username already exists.
invalid_request400We could not interpret your request. This is commonly seen when you forget to include required parameters or attempt to request a resource that doesn't exist. For example, /public_api/v0/monkeys or public_api/v2000/companies would result in a 'invalid_request'.

Common Causes:

  • The request is for an unknown resource or version
  • The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed
  • The request includes multiple credentials
  • The request did not result in any data to return. e.g, requesting a job that doesn't exist.
server_error500The request failed due to a server error and we were notified. Unfortunately these errors are 99% of the time out of your control. If you continue to see such an error, please notify us.

Common Causes:

  • Database connection error
  • Deployment can't be found
  • A routine threw an exception
  • Bad or corrupted data
invalid_scope400The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner.

Common Causes:

  • The requested scope does not conform to our API scope syntax.

The scope specification can be found under the app type specific authentication pages on Authentication.

unsupported_grant_type400The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.

Common Causes:

  • You are sending a grant type that is not "authorization_code", "refresh_token" or "client_credentials"

If you continue to have issues, please see Authentication.

unauthorized_client401The authenticated client is not authorized to use this authorization grant type.

Common Causes:

  • Provided grant was issued to another client.
invalid_permission403The user is authenticated but does not have permission to perform the action.

Suppressing meta data

If you wish to solely utilize HTTP headers, you can suppress meta data completely using _suppress_meta=yes. The status reason will then be found in the X-Status-Reason header and no status will be returned within the response body.