- style
Change Log
Road map
v0.4.0-BETA -14th Feb 2017
- Hide sensitive extension values for those without permission
- Hide financial values when use does not have all financial accessibility
- A user with progress permission should be able to progress issue regardless of edit permission
- Admin should be able to edit activity visibility
- New optional fields "is_important", "is_sensitive", "is_exported" and "default_value" on extension value endpoints.
- Allow assigning, reassigning, surrendering and claiming of issues through assignee id changes
- New optional field "staff_bookmarked" for all objects supporting bookmarks. Returns 0 for false, 1 for true.
- Search threads using the "q" parameter.
- Add get, add and delete staff bookmark endpoints for all objects supporting bookmarks.
- Allow sorting, filtering and access of "date_modified" on activities.
- Endpoint "/staff/whoami" for accessing the current user as a staff response
- Include staff id in "/tokeninfo" endpoint.
v0.3.43-BETA - 2nd June 2015
New fields:
- Create activity to accept to, cc and bcc attributes.
New endpoints:
- GET /activities/threads - Return newest activity only for each thread.
- GET /activities/threads/:id - Return all activities in thread (default order: newest to oldest)
- GET /activities/threads/count - Returns total number of newest activities which are the newest on their threads.
v0.3.42-BETA - 17th February 2015
Bug fix
- Intermittent errors when requesting staff objects from multiple endpoints
v0.3.41-BETA - 17th February 2015
New endpoint
- Read expense data
v0.3.40-BETA - 13th February 2015
Bug fix
- Handling null values in the in and not in filters
v0.3.39-BETA - 29th January 2015
New fields
v0.3.38-BETA - 20th January 2015
Bug fix
- Fix broken cancel/delete timer endpoint
v0.3.37-BETA - 15th January 2015
Behaviour change
- Add activity no longer requires body field
v0.3.36-BETA - 14th January 2015
Bug Fixes
- Fix to (deprecated) budget endpoint to reenable old behaviour
- Fix to broken timers
New Filter
- Affiliation filter for jobs
v0.3.35-BETA - 14th January 2015
New Endpoints
- Create addresses
- Create and update requests
- Deprecated budget. Please use Object Budgets
v0.3.34-BETA - 5th January 2015
New Endpoints
New Filters
- Contract period: ordering fields (id, date_commenced, date_created, date_expires, date_closed)
- Activities ordering fields (billable, nonbillable)
Bug Fixes
- Update timer
- Get milestones through GET /jobs/:job_id/milestones
Code Improvement for "against" field
- Rename HVE::Role to HVE::Common (no longer roles)
v0.3.33-BETA - 17th December 2014
Back-end improvement
- Rename HVE::Role to HVE::Common (no longer roles)
v0.3.32-BETA - 12th December 2014
- Better error handling on create activity
v0.3.31-BETA - 12th December 2014
New fields
- "standing" on contract period
- "contract" id and "contract(<fields>)" object on view issue.
v0.3.30-BETA - 12th December 2014
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug on prospect "company" filter.
- Fixed bug on a bool field "on_budget" of contract period
New filters
v0.3.29-BETA - 11th December 2014
New range filtering options
- Task
- Staff
- Milestone
- Job
- Issue
- Contract
- Contract period
- Contact
- Affiliation
- Company
- Activity
- Prospect
- Quote
- Request
- Invoice
- Timer
- Saved filter
- Address
New endpoints.
New fields
v0.3.28-BETA - 9th December 2014
Fixed a bug with timers.
v0.3.27-BETA - 4th December 2014
Correctly fetch the title when timers are against tasks.
v0.3.26-BETA - 3rd December 2014
Improved handling of contract endpoints when no current period exists
v0.3.25-BETA - 27th November 2014
New Ordering Options
- Tasks (title, standing, status)
- Jobs (date_modified, date_last_interacted, title, standing, status)
- Issues (date_resolved, title, status, standing, date_last_interacted)
- Contracts (standing, status, title, date_last_interacted)
- Affiliations (fullname, status, standing, date_modified, date_last_interacted)
- Companies (name, standing, status, date_last_interacted)
- Prospects (date_due, title, status, standing, date_last_interacted)
New Fields
- New fields for contract (parent, date_last_interacted)
- New fields on jobs (object_budget, affiliation, date_started, date_last_interacted)
- New fields on issues (billable_seconds, date_last_interacted)
- New fields on prospects (standing, date_last_interacted)
- New fields on affiliations (date_modified, date_last_interacted, standing)
v0.3.24-BETA - 26th November 2014
New Endpoints
New Fields
- New fields on contract (contact/affiliation, comments, against, period)
- New fields on contract period (status, allowance, usage)
- Get work items for a contract period
- Update a prospects affiliation id.
- Get staff object from timer endpoints
v0.3.23-BETA - 18th November 2014
New Fields
- View "time allocations" of a contract period.
- Return currency symbol as part of the user and token endpoints
v0.3.22-BETA - 17th November 2014
New Fields
- View "budget details" of a contract period.
v0.3.21-BETA - 13th November 2014
New Endpoints
- List addresses against a given object
New filters
- Filter addresses by against object
New Fields
- View "progress" of a prospect
v0.3.19-BETA, v0.3.20-BETA - 12th November 2014
Internal changes to logging and Gadget Endpoints
v0.3.18-BETA - 10th November 2014
- Enable service applications to list all the timers in their system and to get any timer by timer id.
- Enable current user to update seconds for their own stopped timers.
v0.3.17-BETA - 27th October 2014
New Endpoints
- List and update the current users saved filters
v0.3.16-BETA - 22nd October 2014
- New List Activities Interacts field & Interactions Endpoint (AFFINITY-6577)
- New Timer Status field ("running" or "stopped") on read Timer endpoints (AFFINITY-6595)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug preventing some grants from being created due to invalid data types.
v0.3.15-BETA - 21st October 2014
New Filters
- Added order by filters to list companies
New Endpoints
- New create extension and profile value endpoints (AFFINITY-6552)
- New List Issue types endpoint (AFFINITY-6547)
- New List Prospect Statuses and Type endpoints (AFFINITY-6570)
- New List Issue Statuses endpoint (AFFINITY-6549)
Misc Improvements
- Creating a new issue now accepts status_id or standing
Bug Fixes
- Grants without expiry do not default but instead instantly expire. Now default expiry is in 5 minutes
v0.3.13-BETA - v0.3.14-BETA - 8th October 2014
New Endpoints
- Introduced Auto progression endpoints for affiliations, companies, contacts, contracts, issues, jobs, milestones, prospects and tasks.
Bug Fixes
- Grants were never expiring.
v0.3.12-BETA - 8th October 2014
New Endpoints
- Introduced timer endpoints
v0.3.11-BETA - 8th October 2014
Misc Changes
- Non-functional structural changes to extension and profile builder methods
Misc Changes
- New OAuth Grant type "demo" for private and trusted applications. The grant type requires the usual client id and password combination and is only accessible on demo. Upon success a token will be created on the demo deployment for the AffinityLive user
Bug Fixes
- Fix make companies/count endpoint factor in filter parameter
New Endpoints
- New /user endpoint for accessing user defined titles and access flags for the current user.
- Fix make companies/count endpoint factor in filter parameter