Create Task
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

Create Task

The following endpoint can be used to creates new task.

POST /tasks


Table of allowed parameters. Required fields are underlined.

titleStringThe title for the task.
against_idIntegerThe id of the object the task exists against. This must point to a valid object.
against_typeStringThe type of object the task exists against. This must point to a valid object.
date_startedUnix timestampThe date of when the task is supposed to start
manager_idUnsigned integerThe manager id of the task
assignee_idUnsigned integerThe assignee id of the task
affiliation_idUnsigned integerThe affiliation id of the task
date_dueUnix timestampThe date of when the task is due.
budgetedUnsigned integerTime in seconds, The budgeted time of the task.
rate_idUnsigned integerThe charge rate id of the task. This parameter is only available to tasks against "job" or "milestone" objects.
rate_chargedDecimalThe charge rate of the task. This parameter is only available to tasks against "job" or "milestone" objects.
is_billableString, "yes" or "no"This indicates whether this task is billable. This parameter is only available to tasks against "job" or "milestone" objects.
descriptionStringThe description of the task
status_idUnsigned IntegerThe initial status for task. Please see list task statuses.
_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.

rate_id, rate_charged and is_billable can only be set on tasks against a job or milestone. Changing the rate may change your jobs budget.

Handling the response

Please see the GET task for controlling the response.