Prospects (Sales)
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Prospects (Sales)

prospect (or sale) in AffinityLive belongs against a company record. You don't create prospects and then turn them into client companies, rather you take a company (which may have a status of "Lead" or "Suspect") and add some prospective work/business against it.

GET/prospectsReturns a list of prospects.
GET/prospects/countReturns the total number of prospects.
GET/prospects/:idReturns a specific prospect identified by its id.
GET/prospects/:id/statusReturns the prospect's status.
GET/prospects/:id/extensions/valuesReturns an array of extension values for the given prospect
PUT/prospects/:idUpdates a given prospect
PUT/prospects/:id/extensions/values/:extension_value_idUpdate a given extension value
GET/prospects/:id/profiles/valuesReturns an array of profile values for the prospect.
PUT/prospects/:id/profiles/values/:profile_value_idUpdate an existing profile value for the prospect.
GET/prospects/:id/progressionsReturns an array of available progressions for the prospect.
[PUT|POST]/prospects/:id/progressions/:progression_id/autoRuns a status update for the given progression on the given prospect.
GET/prospects/statusesReturns an array of available statuses for prospect.
GET/prospects/typesReturns an array of available types for prospect.
GET/prospects/extensions/fieldsReturns an array of extension fields for prospect.
POST/prospects/:prospect_id/extensions/fields/:extension_field_idCreates an extension value for a prospect.
GET/prospects/profiles/fieldsReturns an array of profile fields for prospect.
POST/prospects/:prospect_id/profiles/fields/:profile_field_idCreates a profile value for a prospect.
GET/prospects/:prospect_id/collectionsReturns a list of resource(attachment) collections for the given prospect.
POST/prospects/:prospect_id/collections/:collection_id/resources Uploads resource(attachment) to the given collection.