List Progressions
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

List Progressions


The following endpoint can be used to grab progressions available to a given resource.

GET /:resource/:resource_id/progressions

Where resource and resource_id describe the object you wish to progress. A list of available resources can be found on the Progressions page.

Progression Permissions

For a user to perform an interaction on a progression they MUST have the process permission or be a manager (or assignee for tasks) of the object. The list progression actions endpoint will NOT return progressions on objects that do not meet these requirements.

Handling the response

Below is a table of response fields.

idunsignedThe unique identifier for the progression. This can then be used at the run progression endpoint for this object if you wish to move to the linked status.
titlestringThe title you have assigned to the progression. e.g, "Open easy issue".
statusobjectThe status the progression will move to. This includes the status id, title, color and standing.

Sample Response

GET /issues/300/progressions.xml
  <meta message="Everything executed as expected." more_info="https://affinitylive.jira.com/wiki/display/APIS/Status+Codes#ok" status="ok"/>
  <response id="133" title="New Ticket">
    <status id="2" color="yellow" standing="open" title="Open"/>
  <response id="139" title="Close Ticket">
    <status id="4" color="blue" standing="closed" title="Closed"/>
  <response id="140" title="Waiting For Client">
    <status id="6" color="orange" standing="open" title="Waiting for Client"/>

For a complete sample, please see the progressions page.