GET /issues/:id
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GET /issues/:id

Resource URL

Returns a specific issue object.

GET /issues/:id


Table of allowed parameters.

_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.

Handling the response

Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default.

idunsignedIssue's unique identifier. This can be used to request other endpoints.
typeunsigned int 
againststringResource endpoint representing the object the issue is against. For example, /companies/12
against_idunsignede.g, 12
against_typestringe.g, company or job
contactunsigned int 
classunsigned int 
priorityunsigned int 
resolution(<fields>)objectDefault: fields: id and title. Optional fields: parent, description, report and standing.
statusunsigned int 
status(<fields>)objectDefault Fields: id and title. Optional fields: color, icon, factor, target and unit.
standingstringe.g, submitted, open, resolved, closed and inactive
submitted_byunsigned intReturns unique identifier of the staff who submitted the issue. This can be used on the staff endpoints.
submitted_by(<fields>)objectReturns object of the staff who submitted the issue. For more information on fields, please see GET staff object.
date_submittedunix timestamp 
date_openedunix timestamp 
date_resolvedunix timestamp 
date_closedunix timestamp 
date_startedunix timestamp 
date_dueunix timestamp 
closed_by(<fields>)objectReturns object of the staff who closed the issue. For more information on fields, please see GET staff object.
opened_by(<fields>)objectReturns object of the staff who opened the issue. For more information on fields, please see GET staff object.
resolved_by(<fields>)objectReturns object of the staff who resolved the issue. For more information on fields, please see GET staff object.
company(<fields>)objectOnly available if issue is against company. For more information on company fields, please see the GET company endpoint.
object_budget(<fields>)objectSee GET object_budgets/:object_budget_id for details.
closed_byunsigned intReturns unique identifier of the staff who closed the issue. This can be used on the staff endpoints.
opened_byunsigned intReturns unique identifier of the staff who opened the issue. This can be used on the staff endpoints.
resolved_byunsigned intReturns unique identifier of the staff who resolved the issue. This can be used on the staff endpoints.
companyunsigned intOnly available if issue is against company. For more information on company fields, please see the GET company endpoint.
object_budgetunsigned intSee GET object_budgets/:object_budget_id for details.
assignee(<fields>)objectReturns the assignee staff object. For more information on fields, please see GET staff object.
assigneeunsigned intReturns the assignee's staff unique identifier. This can be used on the staff endpoints.
unsigned int The billable time in seconds.
NEW date_last_interacted
unix timestamp 
NEW breadcrumbs
NEW contract(<fields>)

If the issue has a contract, this will return the issue's contract object.

NEW contract
unsigned intIf the issue has a contract, this will return the issue's contract id.
NEW integration_link

If the issue has integration links, this will return the issue's integration link objects

e.g. _fields=integration_link(date_modified, against_id)

Default fields: id, service, permalink

Optional fields: username, date_modified, date_remote_modified, external_key, external_domain, against_id and against_type

NOTE: When you use _fields=integration_link, it would return an array of integration links held by property integration_links (Plural form)

NEW resolution_detail

unsigned intIf the issue has a resolution detail, return the resolution detail as a string


Fields that can be object indicate the field can be requested as a resource. For example.

GET /issues/12.json?_fields=contact

would return the issue's affiliation id,

GET /issues/12.json?_fields=contact(email)

would return the affiliation object, including any optional fields or objects within the parenthesis. In the above examples case, it would return the staff objects default values and optional email value.

Sample Response

GET /issues/8.json?_fields=submitted_by(email),company(contact(status()))
   "response" : {
         "submitted_by" : {
            "firstname" : "Geoff",
            "email" : "geoff.mcqueen@affinitylive.com",
            "id" : "1000",
            "surname" : "McQueen"
         "id" : "8",
         "title" : "diary scaping not occuring",
         "company" : {
            "name" : "Lexis Nexis / Locus Software",
            "contact" : {
               "firstname" : "John",
               "email" : "John@lexisnexis.com.au",
               "status" : {
                  "id" : "3",
                  "title" : "Active"
               "id" : "11564",
               "mobile" : "0400 200 100",
               "surname" : "Jenkins"
            "id" : "10317"
   "meta" : {
      "status" : "ok",
      "message" : "Everything executed as expected."

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