GET /staff/:id
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
- style
GET /staff/:id
Resource URL
Returns a staff object
GET /staff/:id ANY /staff/:id?_method=get
Table of allowed parameters.
_fields | partial string | Allows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response. |
Handling the response
Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields
parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default.
id | number | The staff identifier. For example, 123. This can be used in subsequent staff requests as :staff_id. |
username | string | A unique name given to a staff member. This can be used in subsequent staff requests as :username. |
firstname | string | The firstname of the staff member. |
surname | string | The surname of the staff member. |
title | string | The staff members title. For example: mr, mrs, dr, etc |
string | The staff members email. | |
fax | string | The staff members fax |
phone | string | The staff members phone number. |
mobile | string | The staff members mobile number |
position | string | The staff members position. For example, software engineer or CEO. |
timezone | string | The timezone of the current user. If blank, the user is using the system's timezone. |
Sample Response
GET /staff/1.json?_fields=email&_limit=2
{ "response" : { "firstname" : "AffinityLive", "email" : "system@affinitylive.com", "id" : "1", "surname" : "System" }, "meta" : { "status" : "ok", "message" : "Everything executed as expected." } }
, multiple selections available,