Get activity thread
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Get activity thread

Resource URL


 Returns a list of activities against a given thread id

GET /activities/threads/:id 
ANY /activities/threads/:id?_method=get


Table of allowed parameters.

_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.


Handling the response


Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default. Fields of activities can be found from List Activities page.


idunsignedId of the thread
total_activitiesunsignedTotal number of activities on the thread
event_textStringShort description of the event.
activitiesArrayThis array contains the newest activity on the thread
breadcrumbsArraybreadcrumbs of the thread
ownersObjectThe owners of the activities on the thread

Sample Response

GET /activities/threads/1.json
    "meta": {
        "message": "Everything executed as expected.",
        "status": "ok",
        "more_info": "https://affinitylive.jira.com/wiki/display/APIS/Status+Codes#ok"
	"response": {
		"thread": {
			"total_activities": 10,
			"id": 123,
        	"activities": [
                	"owner": { …. },
                	"subject": "..",
                	"interactions": {
                    	"staff": [1,2,3],
                    	"affiliations": [4,5,6]
        "staff": [{ "id": 1, "name": "..." } ...],