AffinityLive's Jobs (or Projects) module helps you to plan, delegate and track client and internal projects. Projects can be as simple or complex as you like, and there's an array of billing options to suit your need.
GET | /jobs | Returns a list of jobs. |
GET | /jobs/count | Returns the number of jobs found in AffinityLive. |
GET | /jobs/recent | Returns the most recently created jobs. |
GET | /jobs/newest | Returns the most recently modified jobs. |
GET | /jobs/:job_id | Returns a job identified by its id. |
GET | /jobs/:job_id/extensions/values | Retrieve extension values for a given job |
PUT | /jobs/:job_id | Updates a job identified by its id. |
PUT | /jobs/:job_id/extensions/values | Update a Job's extension value object |
DELETE | jobs/:job_id | Deletes a job identified by its id. |
POST | /jobs | Create a new job object. |
GET | /jobs/:id/profiles/valuesprogressions | Returns an array of profile values available progressions for the job. |
[PUT|POST] | /jobs/:id/progressions/:id/profiles/values/:profile_value_idUpdate an existing profile value for the jobprogression_id/auto | Runs a status update for the given progression on the given job. |
GET | /jobs/extensions/fields | Returns an array of extension fields for job. |
POST | /jobs/:job_id/extensions/fields/extension_field_id | Creates an extension value for a job. |
GET | /jobs/:job_id/collections | Returns a list of collections for the given job. |
POST | /jobs/:job_id/collections/:collection_id/resources | Uploads resource(attachment) to the given collection. |