
An affiliation connects a contact to a company. A contact and company can have multiple affiliations. i.e, a contact has a many-to-many relationship company-  affiliation maps this relationship.



GETaffiliationsReturns a list of Affiliations..
GETaffiliations/countReturns the total number of affiliations.
GETaffiliations/newestReturns a list of affiliations ordered by date_modified descending
GETaffiliations/:idReturns an affiliation identified by its id.
GETaffiliations/:id/statusReturns an affiliation's status
DELETEaffiliations/:idRemoves an affiliation identified by its id.
POSTaffiliations Creates a new affiliation.
PUTaffiliations/:idUpdates an affiliation identified by its id.
GET/affiliations/:id/profiles/valuesReturns an array of profile values for the affiliation
PUT/affiliations/:id/profiles/values/:profile_value_idUpdate an existing profile value for the affiliation
GET/affiliations/:id/progressionsReturns an array of available progressions for the affiliation.
[PUT|POST]/affiliations/:id/progressions/:progression_id/autoRuns a status update for the given progression on the given affiliation.
GET/affiliations/profiles/fieldsReturns an array of profile fields for affiliation.
POST/affiliations/:affiliation_id/profiles/fields/:profile_field_idCreates a profile value for an affiliation.


These values can be used to filter through lists of affiliations. You can define filters in the _filters parameter.

standingArray of standing status strings. For example standing(inactive,active)- filter out affiliation that do not have the supplied standing.
mobileOnly return affiliations matching the supplied mobile number(s).
faxOnly return affiliations matching the supplied fax number(s).
phoneOnly return affiliations matching the supplied phone number(s).
contact_numberOnly return affiliations having a mobile, phone or fax matching one of the supplied phone numbers.

order_by_asc(<type>), order_by_desc(<type>)


Accepts: fullname, status, standing, date_modified and date_last_interacted






Available fields:


NOTE: filters will ignore whitespace and are generally whitelists.

Using the _not suffix (e.g, id_not) on standard in filters will returns results not in.