The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

Update saved filter


Update a saved filter identified by its id.

[PUT|POST] /filters/:id


Table of allowed parameters. Required fields are underlined.

titleStringTitle for the saved filter.
sharedString'yes' or 'no'
_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.

Handling the response

Upon successfully updating a saved filter, you will be presented with the updated filter. For handling the response optional fields, please see List Saved Filters

Sample Response

PUT /filters/91?_skip_auth=1&_fields=object_type,shared
    "meta": {
        "status": "ok",
        "message": "Everything executed as expected.",
        "more_info": ""
    "response": {
        "filter": {
            "shared": "yes",
            "id": "91",
            "object_type": "company",
            "title": "Kun Liu filter"