GET /contacts/:id
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

GET /contacts/:id

Only available in v0.2.x

The following endpoint is currently unavailable. It will be released in version 1.2.x with the mobile applications.

Resource URL

Returns a contact identified by contact id.

GET /contacts/:contact_id

Handling the response

Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default.

If you can't find the field you are after, you are probably thinking of an affiliation field. Please see the affiliation endpoints.

idunsigned int A unique id assigned to the contact
emailstringDEPRECATED Email belongs to the affiliation object. Please use affiliations for accessing email.
mobilestringDEPRECATED Mobile belongs to the affiliation object. Please use affiliations for accessing mobile.
date_createdunix timestamp 
statusunsigned intThe contact's status id.
status(<args>)objectThe contact's status object with any optional fields.
default_affiliationunsigned intThe contact's default affiliation id.

Fields that can be object indicate the field can be requested as a resource. For example.

GET /contacts/1.json?_fields=status

would return the status id. Where as,

GET /contacts/1.json?_fields=status()

would return the status object, including any optional fields or objects within the parenthesis.