Get expense
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Get expense


Returns an expense identified by its id.

GET /expenses/:id

Handling the response

Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields parameter. Underlined values are always returned.

idInteger A unique id assigned to the timer. This ID can be used to manage the expense.
titleStringThe title of the expense
quantityIntegerThe quantity of the expense
unit_costDecimalThe unit cost of the expense
standingStringThe standing status of the expense
against_idIntegerUnique id of the object the expense is against.
against_typeStringName of the object the expense is against, if any. For example, issue or job.
date_incurredUnix timestampThe incurred date of the expense
activity_idIntegerThe activity id against the expense
type_idIntegerThe type id of the expense
approver_idIntegerThe approver id of the expense
submitter_idIntegerThe submitter id of the expense
billableString'Yes' or 'No'
approverObjectThe approver
activityObjectThe activity
submitterObjectThe submiitter
typeObjectThe expense type
resourceObjectThe resource associated with the expense

For example, to get timer #10 with against type included in the response:

GET /expenses/10.xml?_fields=against_type