List Assets
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List Assets

Under Construction

The assets endpoints and documentation is still under construction.

The following endpoint can be used to retrieve an array of assets.

GET /assets


Table of allowed parameters.

_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response. Please see get asset for information on what default and optional fields are available.
_filterspartial stringAllows you to filter what assets you want to return. See "Filters" below for a list of available filters.

Handling the response

Please see Get Asset on how to handle the response.




id, standing, type_id, affiliation_id, manager_id and address_id"id(12,10),standing_not(inactive)" to get assets 12 and 10 if not inactive.The IN filter can be used to match items that match or do not match one of the given values.
AGAINST-"against(company(1,23),issue(10))" to get assets against company 1 or 23 and issue 10.The against filter can be used to get assets against the given objects.
SEARCH-"_search=Search this" to search assets with title matching the query.Search assets with a given string query.
RANGEid, type_id, affiliation_id, manager_id, address_id"id_greater_than(10),id_less_than_or_equal(100)" to get assets from 11 to 100 inclusively.Filter assets by numerical ranges.
DATEdate_created"date_created_before(<unix timestamp>),date_created_after(<unix timestamp>)" for assets created before or after a given date. You can also check if an asset occurred on a specific day with "date_created(<unix timestamp>)"Filter assets by the date they were created
ORDERid, date_created and standing"order_by_asc(id)" to order by asset ID ascending or "order_by_desc(standing)" to order by standing descending order.Order the assets returned by a given value and direction



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