GET /quotes/:id
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

GET /quotes/:id

Resource URL

Returns a specific quote object.

GET /quotes/:id


Table of allowed parameters.

_fieldspartial stringAllows you to specify optional fields and linked objects to include in the response.

Handling the response

Below is a table of available response fields and objects that are returned within the response object of the returned object. The optional fields and objects can be requested in the _fields parameter; see included examples. Underlined values are default.

idunsigned intA unique id assigned to the quote.
titlestringThe title assigned to the quote.
standingstringThe raw standing of the quote. e.g, "draft", "published", "accepted", "declined", "converted" or "inactive"
managerunsigned intThe staff id of the quote's manager.
manager()objectThe staff object of the quote's manager.
affiliation_idunsigned intThe quote's affiliation id.
contact()objectThe quote's affiliation and contact object.
statusunsigned intAn id of the quote's status object.
status()objectThe quote's status object. This optional object supports, id, title, color, standing and ordering.
date_createdunix timestampThe date the quote was created.
date_expiryunix_timestampThe date (if applicable) of when the quote is set to expire.
introductionHTML string-
termsHTML string-
conclusionHTML string-
service_time_totalunsigned int-


Fields that can be object indicate the field can be requested as a resource. For example.

GET /quotes/1?_fields=manager

would return the manager's staff id. Where as,

GET /quotes/1?_fields=manager(email)

would return the manager's staff object, including any optional fields or objects within the parenthesis. In the above examples case, it would return the managers objects default values and optional email value.